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- 01:35, 9 March 2025 Brute Balister (hist | edit) [158 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Porcelain Figure Finder Quest File:Hunter Training Crossbow.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Crossbow)Category:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 01:34, 9 March 2025 Porcelain Figure Finder Quest (hist | edit) [1,163 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Yesuntei Mide''' in Yanshi Yesuntei Mide tells you, "Hail, you look like the strong type, maybe you can help me?" Yesuntei Mide tells you, "I am a collector you see, a collector of fine figures, a noble craft if you will" Yesuntei Mide tells you, "My journey has brought me here, because as you know the Sho are fine crafters indeed." Yesuntei Mide tells you, "I got word though of some very, very old, and very, very collectable figures in an old ruin near here." Ye...")
- 01:32, 9 March 2025 Merwart Charm Necklace (hist | edit) [137 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Aqueous Golem Aqua Collection Quest File:Enchanted Charm.png Category:ArmorCategory:JewelryCategory:Necklace")
- 01:30, 9 March 2025 Aqueous Golem Aqua Collection Quest (hist | edit) [994 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Merwart Gulgong''' in Merwart Village on Vissidal Merwart Gulgong tells you, "You come help? You good person, yes very good." Merwart Gulgong tells you, "Angry Grampa give me big job, biggest job, he said very important." Merwart Gulgong tells you, "Angry Grampa want to make special fire water, he said will be very tasty!." Merwart Gulgong tells you, "Angry Grampa want special water, very clear, very magic. Angry Grampa tell me, get water from big moving water, me...")
- 01:28, 9 March 2025 Merwart Mukchew (hist | edit) [633 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Merwart Mukchew''' in Merwart Village on Vissidal Merwart Mukchew tells you, "You want me to be friend yes? Me very handsome and kind! If you want me to be friend, then you show you are good friend." Merwart Mukchew tells you, "Nasty shiny ones are here, they loot pretty, so many go to pet, but then nasty shinies bite! You show the nasty shiny they can not bite when getting pets, slay 30 Gold Creatures then you can be friend!" -- Merwart Mukchew tells you, "You he...")
- 05:48, 5 March 2025 Dericost Relic Ranseur (hist | edit) [157 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Torching the Grave Digger Supplies Quest File:Dericost Raiding Bow.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Bow)Category:Weapons By Level: 225+")
- 05:17, 5 March 2025 Chalicmere Castle (hist | edit) [1,715 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Undead of Chalicmere are wishing to be in peace and will reward those who help, they have several undead vendors that are available to adventurers as well as a lifestone, bindstone, and town network portal!")
- 06:31, 4 March 2025 Hoary Mattekar Hide Coat (hist | edit) [150 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hoary Mattekar Hide Coat Quest File:Lugian Hauberk.png Category:ArmorCategory:Upper ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 100+")
- 06:25, 4 March 2025 Necrosyse (hist | edit) [145 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Crafting the Necrosyse Quest File:Old Great Mace.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Caster: Void MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 61-80")
- 06:24, 4 March 2025 Crafting the Necrosyse Quest (hist | edit) [2,888 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Ecraqir The Adept''' in Tufa overlooking the waterfalls Ecraqir The Adept tells you, "One day I will make the perfect wand... You... You look like a fine subject to help me." Ecraqir The Adept tells you, "If you wish to help, then collect a casting Staff from one of those many Archmages in the towns, and we shall use this as a base." -- You give Ecraqir The Adept Staff. Ecraqir The Adept gives you Staff. Ecraqir The Adept tells you, "Yes! You are a prime candida...")
- 06:17, 2 March 2025 Tumerok Siege Map Quest (hist | edit) [676 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Lieutenant Iestyn''' in Dryreach You give Lieutenant Iestyn Tumerok Siege Map. Lieutenant Iestyn tells you, "What is this, detailed Tumerok plans! This could help us in turning the tide against those damned beasts." Lieutenant Iestyn tells you, "You have all of our thanks adventuer, I will order scouts to intercept and assault key targets right away, you have earned this greatly!" You've earned experience. * Lieutenant Iestyn gives you 2x Dryreach Defender Key. *...")
- 06:15, 2 March 2025 Tumerok Temple Quest (hist | edit) [922 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Guild Rep Aleksandra''' in Dryreach Guild Rep Aleksandra tells you, "Hail my friend! I am here on behalf of the Adventurers Guild, I have a grand Contract for any who wish to embark on it." Guild Rep Aleksandra tells you, "You may know of the tribal wars between the Aun Tumerok and the Hea Tumerok, well I have come with a contract from the Aun Tumerok. You see, the Hea Clans from around these areas have stolen a number of Aun Artifacts." Guild Rep Aleksandra tells...")
- 05:26, 2 March 2025 Lugian Hauberk (hist | edit) [148 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Bounty of Commander Thostrotir Quest File:Dusk Watch Helm.png Category:ArmorCategory:Upper ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 81-100")
- 05:26, 2 March 2025 Bounty of Commander Thostrotir Quest (hist | edit) [1,048 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Lunmaed Rockbrow''' in Linvak Tukal Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "I normally only give my bounties to strong Lugian warriors, but you believe you are strong enough too?" Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "Well I shall give you a bounty to as test of your mettle, let us see if you can match up to Lugian might!" Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "This bounty is for Commander Thostrotir, one of the Renegade commanders, a higher up of the Gotrok clan." Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you,...")
- 05:24, 2 March 2025 Dericost Raiding Bow (hist | edit) [170 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Torching the Grave Digger Supplies Quest File:Volkmar's Sting.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Bow)Category:Weapons By Level: 225+")
- 05:23, 2 March 2025 Torching the Grave Digger Supplies Quest (hist | edit) [1,082 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Ibrewar The Grim''' in Chalicmere Ibrewar The Grim tells you, "You are one of the Adventurers that have come to offer aid, are you not?" Ibrewar The Grim tells you, "Then I assume you know of our plight that is the Grave Digger Cult? Well I wish to send you against them." Ibrewar The Grim tells you, "I know those of the living can not do so without food and drink, I want to take this from the Grave Digger Cultists, force them to leave this area, so we can remain in...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 05:20, 2 March 2025 Replica Bloodquench (hist | edit) [169 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sacrifice of Leuthise the Sanguine Quest File:Dead Seawood Wand.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Light Weapon (Sword)Category:Weapons By Level: 225+")
- 05:20, 2 March 2025 Sacrificial Dark Priest Brace (hist | edit) [176 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sacrifice of Leuthise the Sanguine Quest File:Dead Seawood Wand.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Caster: Void MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 225+")
- 05:19, 2 March 2025 Sacrifice of Leuthise the Sanguine Quest (hist | edit) [2,219 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''High Priestess Zroverra''' in Chalicmere High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "You appear to have the look of dread about you, living one, you have nothing to fear, for now." High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "I only carry out my bloodrites on those who are not worthy of the life they live, those who have forfeited their sense of humanity." High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "There is one such person I have been wishing to meet, who always alludes my grasp." High P...")
- 05:18, 2 March 2025 Dericost Relic Recovery Quest (hist | edit) [1,376 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Chil'xok the Reliquary''' in Chalicmere Chil'xok the Reliquary tells you, "Welcome to our home, are you one of these "Adventurers"? If so then I will have a moment of your time." Chil'xok the Reliquary tells you, "As much as I loath to ask the living for help, I have little choice, much of my time is taken in protecting our relics from the Grave Digger Cult." Chil'xok the Reliquary tells you, "There is one relic however not in my possession, nor theirs, and I want...")
- 05:16, 2 March 2025 Mhodryl the Defender (hist | edit) [779 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Mhodryl the Defender''' in Chalicmere Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "You seem reasonable for a living one, more so the others that are roaming within this area." Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "A cult has come of this region as of a late, the Grave Digger Cult they are known as. They have a perverse fetish for collecting relics of the unliving." Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "Here at Chalicmere we just seek to rest, we are far from your settlements. If you fee...")
- 05:13, 2 March 2025 Dericost Plate Sollerets (hist | edit) [139 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Looted Temple Quest File:Dusk Watch Helm.png Category:ArmorCategory:Lower ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 225+")
- 05:11, 2 March 2025 Looted Temple Quest (hist | edit) [2,273 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Alulori the Hollow''' in Chalicmere Alulori the Hollow tells you, "Do not be alarmed meaty one, I am indeed a dericost, I just take better care of my appearance then others." Alulori the Hollow tells you, "I understand though that you have been helping many of my kind within this keep, so I would extend my call for aid to you also." Alulori the Hollow tells you, "The Grave Digger Cult have stolen five ancient artifacts from us, ones which detail our great battles a...")
- 09:00, 1 March 2025 Historical Robe (hist | edit) [158 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness Quest File:Fishing Boots.png Category:ArmorCategory:RobeCategory:Armor By Level: 81-100")
- 08:59, 1 March 2025 Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness Quest (hist | edit) [3,409 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Iyarina Sidia''' in Hebian-to at the Library just outside of town Iyarina Sidia tells you, "Greetings, maybe you can help me?" Iyarina Sidia tells you, "I am a bit of a historian, a novice one at that though, and there is still much I want to learn." Iyarina Sidia tells you, "My current goal is to learn more about the Fourth Sending of Darkness." Iyarina Sidia tells you, "It is my understanding there are four texts on this matter, maybe you can gather them for me?...")
- 08:55, 1 March 2025 Decorative Hunting Brace (hist | edit) [155 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Talim's Ruby Quest File:Angry Chef's Throwing Cleaver.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Thrown)Category:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 08:54, 1 March 2025 Talim's Ruby Quest (hist | edit) [1,328 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Talim Yesuntei''' in Samsur Talim Yesuntei tells you, "Fine morrow to you my friend, I see you are armed and armored, may I have a little of your time?" Talim Yesuntei tells you, "I am a jewel crafter, one of much skill may I add. I had lately finished working on my grandest jewel yet." Talim Yesuntei tells you, "I had carved a fine ruby, as big as your head! But such valuable things tend to catch the attention of others." Talim Yesuntei tells you, "In my case it...")
- 07:24, 1 March 2025 Soyiketu's Boon (hist | edit) [141 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Baishi Bible Quest File:Rat Catchers Stick.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Caster: Life MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 41-60")
- 07:23, 1 March 2025 Baishi Bible Quest (hist | edit) [2,758 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Jegu Odchigin''' in Baishi Jegu Odchigin tells you, "May I trouble you for some help?" Jegu Odchigin tells you, "I am Jegu Odchigin, a scholar of past saints and their deeds, I enjoy cataloguing the deeds of those that came before us, so those of the future may learn." Jegu Odchigin tells you, "Currently I am compiling the deeds of Saint Soyiketu. I have amassed all that I can, but I know of a Historian, Ryuk Sobong, who carries much more information." Jegu Odchig...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 07:21, 1 March 2025 Rat Catchers Stick (hist | edit) [138 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Rat King Quest File:Dead Seawood Wand.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Caster: War MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 07:20, 1 March 2025 Rat King Quest (hist | edit) [1,533 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Cai Yahui''' in Nanto (lvl 1-20 quest) Cai Yahui tells you, "Hello there, you look braver then myself, maybe I can trouble you for some help?" Cai Yahui tells you, "I am the rat catcher for this small town you see, but I also kind of have a fear of rats..." Cai Yahui tells you, "I talked my way into this because the pay is good, and I did not think Nanto had many rats to begin with, it's only after I got the job I learn there is a large rat nest next to the town!"...")
- 07:17, 1 March 2025 Dusk Watch Helm (hist | edit) [148 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Stopping Vrexauth the Tormentor Quest File:Fishing Cap.png Category:ArmorCategory:Upper ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 120+")
- 07:16, 1 March 2025 Stopping Vrexauth the Tormentor Quest (hist | edit) [1,283 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Mhoirghan''' of Freehold (115+) Mhoirghan tells you, "Hail traveler, mayhaps I can procure your aid?" Mhoirghan tells you, "I am a tracker of the unliving, I seek out that may be future threats, and put an end to them while they still slumber." Mhoirghan tells you, "There is one fiend however that I require some help with, there is one called Vrexauth the Tormenter, a brutal overlord if given the chance." Mhoirghan tells you, "Though I am unable to get within his...")
- 07:14, 1 March 2025 Dead Seawood Wand (hist | edit) [150 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mosswart Town Raid Quest File:Ancient Wand.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Caster: War MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 81-100")
- 07:13, 1 March 2025 Mosswart Town Raid Quest (hist | edit) [1,129 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Guard Hrothgar''' in Kryst Guard Hrothgar tells you, "Fine day friend." Guard Hrothgar tells you, "If you are looking for work, then I have a task for you." Guard Hrothgar tells you, "The local Mosswarts of the Mosswart Town at 78.2S, 86.7E have been attempting raids as of late on us. And though we generally scare them off, they sometimes make off with some of our goods." Guard Hrothgar tells you, "There is one sneaky one among them, he has earned quite the reputa...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 07:09, 1 March 2025 Vine Chain Necklace (hist | edit) [122 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Slithayr Botanist Quest File:Enchanted Charm.png Category:ArmorCategory:JewelryCategory:Necklace")
- 07:08, 1 March 2025 Slithayr Botanist Quest (hist | edit) [980 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Liu Yijun''' in Kryst Liu Yijun tells you, "Greetings, I am Liu Yijun. I am a researcher who specialises plant life." Liu Yijun tells you, "I have a high interest in the Slithis that grow on these islands, mostly the Slithayr variety." Liu Yijun tells you, "I understand that many of the Slithayr have been reaching their time to bloom in the Slithis Tunnels, but I am not strong enough to go there to witness it myself." Liu Yijun tells you, "If you would like to hel...")
- 07:05, 1 March 2025 Balthen Straten (hist | edit) [641 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Balthen Straten''' in Freehold (75+) Balthen Straten tells you, "Welcome to our camp traveler, you have the look of someone looking for work, so I have some for you." Balthen Straten tells you, "The Jungle Phyntos Swarms around here are proving to be real pests! They often like to chase, sting and shock any unknowing travelers around these islands. Track down and slay 20 of the Jungle Phyntos Swarm for me, and I will reward you appropriately." -- Balthen Straten t...")
- 05:13, 24 February 2025 Sharp Throwing Hatchet (hist | edit) [159 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right")
- 04:31, 24 February 2025 Nanner Climbing Pants (hist | edit) [168 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Prime Nanner Collection Quest File:Prophet's Towel.png Category:ArmorCategory:ClothingCategory:Lower Armor")
- 03:59, 24 February 2025 Prophet's Towel (hist | edit) [160 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Prophet of the Grotto Quest File:Guard's Thermal Shirt.png Category:ArmorCategory:ClothingCategory:Lower Armor") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 03:58, 24 February 2025 Lesser Bracelet of Elemental Protection (hist | edit) [146 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Prophet of the Grotto Quest File:Artifice Bracelet.png Category:ArmorCategory:JewelryCategory:Bracelet") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 03:57, 24 February 2025 Enchantment Amulet (hist | edit) [131 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Granvill the Tusker Captive Quest File:Artifice Bracelet.png Category:ArmorCategory:JewelryCategory:Necklace")
- 03:57, 24 February 2025 Artifice Bracelet (hist | edit) [130 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Granvill the Tusker Captive Quest File:Bracelet of Star Iron.png Category:ArmorCategory:JewelryCategory:Bracelet")
- 03:52, 24 February 2025 Fledgling Coat (hist | edit) [134 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mukkir Nest Arson Quest File:Fledgling Leggings.png Category:ArmorCategory:Lower ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 21-40")
- 03:49, 24 February 2025 Gem of Greater Piercing Protection (hist | edit) [84 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Gem of Greater Fire Protection.png Category:ItemsCategory:Gems")
- 03:48, 24 February 2025 Gem of Greater Fire Protection (hist | edit) [80 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Gem of Greater Lightning Protection.png Category:ItemsCategory:Gems")
- 03:47, 24 February 2025 Gem of Greater Lightning Protection (hist | edit) [85 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Priceless Ores.png Category:ItemsCategory:Gems")
- 03:43, 24 February 2025 Angry Chef's Throwing Cleaver (hist | edit) [171 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mowbray's Stolen Goods Quest File:Icicle Shot.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Crossbow)Category:Weapons By Level: 21-40") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 03:42, 24 February 2025 Hearty Healing Famous Pizzas (hist | edit) [111 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mowbray's Stolen Goods Quest File:Stout Lugian Ale.png Category:ItemsCategory:Food")