Mhodryl the Defender

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Mhodryl the Defender in Chalicmere

Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "You seem reasonable for a living one, more so the others that are roaming within this area."

Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "A cult has come of this region as of a late, the Grave Digger Cult they are known as. They have a perverse fetish for collecting relics of the unliving."

Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "Here at Chalicmere we just seek to rest, we are far from your settlements. If you feel compelled to help us, slay 30 of the Grave Digger Cultists."


Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "Maybe now we may rest."

Mhodryl the Defender tells you, "Should you feel the need, you too may rest here."

Mhodryl the Defender gives you Trade Note (250,000).