Sacrifice of Leuthise the Sanguine Quest

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High Priestess Zroverra in Chalicmere

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "You appear to have the look of dread about you, living one, you have nothing to fear, for now."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "I only carry out my bloodrites on those who are not worthy of the life they live, those who have forfeited their sense of humanity."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "There is one such person I have been wishing to meet, who always alludes my grasp."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "I believe she is named Leuthise the Sanguine."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "She carries with her a relic of the past, a fine razors edge called Bloodquench. This is a cursed blade however, it grants a great power, but a lust for blood which grows by the day."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "I want her heart, Adventurer, I want to exact upon it the fury of all those she has slaughter and left to bleed out in pools of blood."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "I believe Chil'xok the Reliquary would also reward you should you recover the blade."

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "There is a fort that the Grave Digger Cult have made there own, not far from here at 23.2S, 72.0W, find her there, slay her, with any means you see fit.


You give High Priestess Zroverra Heart of Leuthise.

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "She took the blade willingly, today we shall right her actions."

You've earned experience.

You have been awarded the Accursed title.

High Priestess Zroverra tells you, "I will see to it her heart is to feel the pain of all those she wronged."

High Priestess Zroverra gives you Sacrificial Dark Priest Brace.


You give Chil'xok the Reliquary Bloodquench.

Chil'xok the Reliquary tells you, "A dark relic indeed is this. It was originally made for times of greatest need, when the danger to our people needed the most extreme response."

You've earned experience.

Chil'xok the Reliquary tells you, "The more blood the wielder spills, the stronger they get, but the more they loose their will to their bloodlust. You did well to take this blade back so early"

Chil'xok the Reliquary gives you Replica Bloodquench.