Granvill the Tusker Captive Quest

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Granvill at Oolutanga's Refuge

Granvill tells you, "Hey, listen, but don't make it obvious or you will be stuck in one of these cages too."

Granvill tells you, "I'm inncoent here, I made some joke about a planet full of apes, and seems these monkeys and their friends took it personal."

Granvill tells you, "Next thing I know, I'm stuck in this cage, all my belongings gone so I can't even portal out."

Granvill tells you, "I heard there is a human out here, the Tusker Treasurer, they deal with all the taken goods."

Granvill tells you, "I want you to find them, and get my wand, thats all I need, then I can get the hell out of here."

Granvill tells you, "That Brighteyes chap comes to chat to me at night, told me the treasurer likes to go to the tall hill on the small island."

Granvill tells you, "Around 10.9S, 93.5E or something, get me my wand, and be quick about it, I don't want to be mashed like nanners!"


You give Granvill Granvill's Wand.

Granvill tells you, "You did it! Quick give me the wand!"

Granvill tells you, "My Goodness...look at the time, must be going, bye!"

Granvill says, "So long you dirty apes!"

Granvill says, "Shurov Thiloi!"

You've earned experience.

Granvill gives you one of: