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- 03:34, 24 February 2025 City Defender Staff (hist | edit) [157 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Assault Chief Gibjack Quest File:Mattimeo's Resolve.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Heavy WeaponsCategory:Weapons By Level: 21-40")
- 03:24, 24 February 2025 Stout Lugian Ales (hist | edit) [89 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Gathock Cavemaker image Category:Items")
- 03:22, 24 February 2025 Sharp Mining Pick (hist | edit) [148 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Tunnels Banshee Quest File:Orchard Sword.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Finesse Weapons (Axe)Category:Weapons By Level: 120+")
- 03:18, 24 February 2025 Gutting Hook (hist | edit) [195 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Fishing in Cragstone, also check out Aso Teruie's Lucky Coin Quest File:Iaido Nodachi.png Category:ArmorCategory:Upper ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 1-20")
- 03:17, 24 February 2025 Fishing Cap (hist | edit) [173 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Fishing in Cragstone, also check out Aso Teruie's Lucky Coin Quest File:Fledgling Leggings.png Category:ArmorCategory:Upper ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 1-20")
- 03:13, 24 February 2025 Volkmar's Sting (hist | edit) [149 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Wine Connoisseur Quest File:Charged Lodestone Bow.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Bow)Category:Weapons By Level: 81-100")
- 03:10, 24 February 2025 Guards Javelin (hist | edit) [152 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Musansayn's Chain Quest File:Guards Javelin.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Weapons (Thrown)Category:Weapons By Level: 81-100")
- 03:06, 24 February 2025 Icicle Shot (hist | edit) [150 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Empyrean Shrine Stones Quest File:Mattimeo's Resolve.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 81-100")
- 03:04, 24 February 2025 Mattimeo's Resolve (hist | edit) [154 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Martinate Crafting Hammer Quest File:Caustic Pyreal Great Stave.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 81-100")
- 03:01, 24 February 2025 Orchard Gauntlets (hist | edit) [137 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yaraq Apple Picker Quest File:Fishing Boots.png Category:ArmorCategory:Upper ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 1-20")
- 02:59, 24 February 2025 Orchard Sword (hist | edit) [147 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yaraq Apple Picker Quest File:Passed Down Baton.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Light Weapons (Sword)Category:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:54, 24 February 2025 Passed Down Baton (hist | edit) [148 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yaraq Apple Picker Quest File:Ancient Wand.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Life MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:48, 24 February 2025 Weighted Yaoji (hist | edit) [144 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Holtburg Ruins Quest File:Iaido Nodachi.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Heavy Weapons (Sword)Category:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:32, 24 February 2025 Hunter Training Crossbow (hist | edit) [166 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Shoushi Home Invaders Quest File:Iaido Nodachi.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Combat (Crossbow)Category:Weapons By Level: 1-20") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 02:31, 24 February 2025 Hunter Training Bow (hist | edit) [156 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Shoushi Home Invaders Quest File:Iaido Nodachi.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Missile Combat (Bow)Category:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:27, 24 February 2025 Ancient Wand (hist | edit) [138 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Holtburg Ruins Quest File:Iaido Nodachi.png Category:WeaponsCategory:War MagicCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:22, 24 February 2025 Iaido Nodachi (hist | edit) [139 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right")
- 02:21, 24 February 2025 Fishing Boots (hist | edit) [138 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Aso Teruie's Lucky Coin Quest File:Fledgling Boots.png Category:ArmorCategory:Lower ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 1-20")
- 02:14, 24 February 2025 Charged Lodestone Bow (hist | edit) [159 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Drudge Nest Baron Quest File:Old Great Mace.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:14, 24 February 2025 Charged Lodestone Crossbow (hist | edit) [169 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Drudge Nest Baron Quest File:Old Great Mace.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:14, 24 February 2025 Charged Lodestone Atlatl (hist | edit) [165 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Drudge Nest Baron Quest File:Old Great Mace.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:14, 24 February 2025 Charged Lodestone Stave (hist | edit) [157 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Drudge Nest Baron Quest File:Old Great Mace.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 1-20")
- 02:10, 24 February 2025 Lodestones of Maggreth Quest (hist | edit) [1,343 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Torilda Obson tells you, "Hail there adventurer!" Torilda Obson tells you, "Myself and my fine group of fellows have been following the movements of the Lodestones which have appeared within the Dungeon Maggreth." Torilda Obson tells you, "These crystals seem to be able to channel electical energies with ease, something with all believe we can harness into weapons." Torilda Obson tells you, "If you are able to find a sizable piece of Lodestone within, then bring it to...")
- 01:59, 24 February 2025 Stomper Tusk Quest (hist | edit) [135 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Similar to the other tusk quests, this one is located at the Rampager Bluff Dungeon (1.3S 84.9E). Category:QuestsCategory:Quest By LevelCategory:150+")
- 01:51, 24 February 2025 Guard's Thermal Shirt (hist | edit) [162 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Musansayn's Chain Quest Category:ArmorCategory:Clothing")
- 01:37, 24 February 2025 Musansayn's Chain Quest (hist | edit) [1,162 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Royal Guard Franklin''' in Samsur Royal Guard Franklin tells you, "Excuse me, I need your help!" Royal Guard Franklin tells you, "You see, I have been ordered to search for a long lost relic which is said to be in the Dungeon Binar." Royal Guard Franklin tells you, "But at the same time I am told I can not leave my post of watching over the town! I don't understand how they expect me to do both." Royal Guard Franklin tells you, "If I do not return with the relic,...")
- 01:14, 24 February 2025 Caustic Pyreal Great Stave (hist | edit) [165 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Martinate Crafting Hammer Quest File:Caustic Pyreal Throwing Dagger.png Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed CombatCategory:Weapons By Level: 81-100")
- 01:10, 24 February 2025 Caustic Pyreal Throwing Dagger (hist | edit) [176 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Martinate Crafting Hammer Quest Category:Weapons")
- 01:09, 24 February 2025 Martinate Crafting Hammer Quest (hist | edit) [1,179 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Julian Bartok''' at Martine's Retreat in Rithwic Julian Bartok tells you, "Since Martine... left the simulacra that used to assist me in the armory have begun acting strange." Julian Bartok tells you, "It's starting to become a chore to keep them in line. But so far so good. Hibdin is a good man, but the things down there don't listen to him the same." Julian Bartok tells you, "But there is one which is proven more problematic then others... One of our prized weapo...")
- 00:36, 24 February 2025 Enchanted Charm (hist | edit) [117 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Enchanted Charm.png") Tag: Visual edit
- 00:33, 24 February 2025 Enchanters Charm Quest (hist | edit) [2,513 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Youle Tsai''' in Martine's Retreat in Rithwic Youle Tsai tells you, "Why hello there, you look like you need some help with your casting ability?" Youle Tsai tells you, "I have been working on making a new necklace to help channel those magical currents!" Youle Tsai tells you, "If this is something that would interest you, then bring me a Drudge Charm and we can get started." -- You give Youle Tsai Drudge Charm. Youle Tsai gives you Drudge Charm. Youle Tsai tel...")
- 22:42, 23 February 2025 Fledgling Boots (hist | edit) [135 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mukkir Nest Arson Quest Category:ArmorCategory:Lower ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 21-40") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 22:40, 23 February 2025 Fledgling Leggings (hist | edit) [138 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mukkir Nest Arson Quest Category:ArmorCategory:Lower ArmorCategory:Armor By Level: 21-40")
- 22:34, 23 February 2025 Mukkir Nest Arson Quest (hist | edit) [1,274 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Royal Guard Artihne''' in Shoushi Royal Guard Artihne tells you, "Hail there, you are looking for work are you not?" Royal Guard Artihne tells you, "Maybe you have heard of the Small Fledgling Mukkir nests found around Shoushi, Holtburg and Yaraq?" Royal Guard Artihne tells you, "Well it has come to my knowledge that these may be powered by sacrifices made deep within the depths of these nests, I am looking for those brave enough to travel the depths and destroy t...")
- 22:28, 23 February 2025 Old Great Mace (hist | edit) [143 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Drudge Nest Baron Quest Category:WeaponsCategory:Two Handed Combat")
- 22:04, 23 February 2025 Drudge Nest Baron Quest (hist | edit) [1,006 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Guard Elwin''' in Rithwic Guard Elwin tells you, "Fine day friend." Guard Elwin tells you, "Maybe I can procure your aid in the defense of the town?" Guard Elwin tells you, "The local Drudge of the Drudge Nest at 11.0N, 57.5E have been getting rather brave as of late." Guard Elwin tells you, "Before, they were happy in their own corner and did not bother us, and so we did not bother them." Guard Elwin tells you, "But it seems a new, larger, dominant Drudge has mu...")
- 09:14, 23 February 2025 Baron Ecindul's Return Quest (hist | edit) [1,375 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Sigeric Wulfram''' Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "Greetings, I am Sigeric Wulfarm, budding protector of the city, and aspiring warrior!" Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "I came in after hear tales of Baron Ecindul. A mighty warrior who was one of the first to help make these halls livable." Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "Baron Ecindul has long since past, but I have heard tales that is unliving form still roams these halls that he calls home." Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "In li...")
- 08:55, 22 February 2025 Tunnels Banshee Quest (hist | edit) [1,033 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Branmit Wraithgut''' at Withered Atoll Lugian Mine near 89.7S 76.1W Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "I normally only give my bounties to strong Lugian warriors, but you believe you are strong enough too?" Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "Well I shall give you a bounty to as test of your mettle, let us see if you can match up to Lugian might!" Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "There has been a banshee in the tunnels here, it's howls and screams have been unnerving the miners,...")
- 08:54, 22 February 2025 Gathock Cavemaker (hist | edit) [715 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Gathock Cavemaker''' at Withered Atoll Lugian Mine near 89.7S 76.1W Gathock Cavemaker tells you, "Welcome to the mines, small soft skin." Gathock Cavemaker tells you, "We have had troubles in the mines as of late, Water Elementals have been coming out of small springs we have mined into." Gathock Cavemaker tells you, "Normally this would be no problem, but these Water Elementals have been eroding our ore! We could take the time to push them back, but we have schedu...")
- 07:14, 18 February 2025 Granvill the Tusker Captive Quest (hist | edit) [1,322 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Granvill''' at Oolutanga's Refuge Granvill tells you, "Hey, listen, but don't make it obvious or you will be stuck in one of these cages too." Granvill tells you, "I'm inncoent here, I made some joke about a planet full of apes, and seems these monkeys and their friends took it personal." Granvill tells you, "Next thing I know, I'm stuck in this cage, all my belongings gone so I can't even portal out." Granvill tells you, "I heard there is a human out here, the Tu...")
- 02:10, 17 February 2025 Dhaldur (hist | edit) [869 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Dhaldur''' at Dryreach Dhaldur tells you, "You have arrived in our time of need Adventurer. I have been sent here in order to reinforce the walls and gates of the fort here, but the scouts have come with dire news." Dhaldur tells you, "The scouts of warned me of the Tumeroks and their new Siege Rams, I can only sure up the defenses so much with the limited supplies Dryreach has to offer." Dhaldur tells you, "I have no doubt my work shall hold up for some time, but...")
- 02:09, 17 February 2025 Lieutenant Iestyn (hist | edit) [551 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Lieutenant Iestyn''' at Dryreach Lieutenant Iestyn tells you, "I am Lieutenant Iestyn of the Hunters Guild. I've been tasked to track information on the Mask Clan units." Lieutenant Iestyn tells you, "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 50 Mask Clan Tumerok." -- Lieutenant Iestyn tells you, "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded. Here, allow me to reward you for your assistance to Dryreach." You've earned experience. Lieutenant Iesty...")
- 02:09, 17 February 2025 Hunter Bosede (hist | edit) [526 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Hunter Bosede''' at Dryreach Hunter Bosede tells you, "Hail, I am Bosede, I have been tasked with tackling the Shreth Clan Tumeroks around Dryreach. If you wish to join the hunt I shall pay you well" Hunter Bosede tells you, "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 50 Shreth Clan Tumerok." -- Hunter Bosede tells you, "You have done well in the hunt. Please, take this with thanks." You've earned experience. Hunter Bosede gives you Dryreach Defe...")
- 02:08, 17 February 2025 Tracker Ja'qub (hist | edit) [598 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Tracker Ja'qub''' at Dryreach Tracker Ja'qub tells you, "Welcome my friend, if you are looking for work, I have some." Tracker Ja'qub tells you, "I have been following the Serpent Clan as of late, their motives are clear and the destruction they want to unleash shall not be allowed! If you want some work, search the area around the Dryreach and kill 50 Serpent Clan Tumerok." -- Tracker Ja'qub tells you, "Much blood has been spilled, and that is not always a bad th...")
- 02:08, 17 February 2025 Hunter Gojou (hist | edit) [504 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Hunter Gojou''' at Dryreach Hunter Gojou tells you, "Another have come to join our great hunt? The more the merrier I say." Hunter Gojou tells you, "It has fallen to me to help with the push back of the Reedshark Clan. If you want to aid me, get out there and slay 50 Reedshark Clan Tumerok." -- Hunter Gojou tells you, "I can only hope this will help to deter the Reedshark Clan." You've earned experience. Hunter Gojou gives you Dryreach Defender Key. Category:...")
- 02:06, 17 February 2025 Custodian Fiona (hist | edit) [513 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Category:Kill TasksCategory:NPCs")
- 02:06, 17 February 2025 Medic Sylvia (hist | edit) [639 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Medic Sylvia''' at Dryreach Medic Sylvia tells you, "A second of your time if you may, I wish to ask for some help." Medic Sylvia tells you, "The Falcon Clan has been using hit and run tactics on many a traveler and adventurer, to the point it is difficult for me to tend to all that need aid. I would be ever so thankful if you could end the threat of 50 Falcon Clan Tumerok." -- Medic Sylvia tells you, "I can not thank you enough, without the constant harring of th...")
- 02:03, 16 February 2025 Hoary Mattekar Hide Coat Quest (hist | edit) [3,104 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Category:QuestsCategory:150+")
- 01:59, 16 February 2025 Empyrean Shrine Stones Quest (hist | edit) [1,109 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Category:QuestsCategory:81-100")
- 01:59, 16 February 2025 Banderling Tower Quest (hist | edit) [982 bytes] Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Category:QuestsCategory:81-100")