Tunnels Banshee Quest
Branmit Wraithgut at Withered Atoll Lugian Mine near 89.7S 76.1W
Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "I normally only give my bounties to strong Lugian warriors, but you believe you are strong enough too?"
Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "Well I shall give you a bounty to as test of your mettle, let us see if you can match up to Lugian might!"
Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "There has been a banshee in the tunnels here, it's howls and screams have been unnerving the miners, some refusing the work."
Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "Search through the tunnels for the Tunnel Banshee, put an end to it's terror, and return to me with proof, and I will reward you."
You give Branmit Wraithgut Banshee's Amulet.
Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "Your smaller frame has proven mighty, I was wrong to judge you so harshly."
Branmit Wraithgut tells you, "I hope we can one day fight side by side and share in our might!"
You've earned experience.
Branmit Wraithgut gives you Sharp Mining Pick.