Baron Ecindul's Return Quest

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Sigeric Wulfram in the Underground City

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "Greetings, I am Sigeric Wulfarm, budding protector of the city, and aspiring warrior!"

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "I came in after hear tales of Baron Ecindul. A mighty warrior who was one of the first to help make these halls livable."

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "Baron Ecindul has long since past, but I have heard tales that is unliving form still roams these halls that he calls home."

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "In life he used many a mighty artifact, I understand that most were hidden away within a Hidden Dungeon, which I am yet to find."

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "The tales tell of how the Baron was buried with the key for these artifacts around his neck, if this correct, and tales of his undeath true, then I will ask of you to find him and gather that key."

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "Then, you will have to somehow find this Hidden Dungeon, and locate the artifacts inside. If you do this, please bring me his helm, and I will reward you greatly."


You give Sigeric Wulfram Baron Ecindul's Helm.

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "You found it! Look at this helm, it just radiates power and prowess."

You've earned experience.

Sigeric Wulfram gives you Permafrost Shortbow.

Sigeric Wulfram tells you, "Makes this mead even sweeter."