Enchanters Charm Quest

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Enchanted Charm.png

Youle Tsai in Martine's Retreat in Rithwic

Youle Tsai tells you, "Why hello there, you look like you need some help with your casting ability?"

Youle Tsai tells you, "I have been working on making a new necklace to help channel those magical currents!"

Youle Tsai tells you, "If this is something that would interest you, then bring me a Drudge Charm and we can get started."


You give Youle Tsai Drudge Charm.

Youle Tsai gives you Drudge Charm.

Youle Tsai tells you, "This will make for the perfect base for our magical currents, now I want you to keep this for now, I will need it again later."

Youle Tsai tells you, "As you have shown you are willing, first I will need a Water Golem Heart. Water Golems are a common enough creature to find, but their hearts are not, be sure to find one and bring it to me."


You give Youle Tsai Water Golem Heart.

Youle Tsai tells you, "Yes! Well done! We can use this to contain mana and a connection to the currents, what purer source then water."

Youle Tsai tells you, "Next we will need a Small Shard, you can find these by defeating certain Fragments, or building one from the remains of others."


You give Youle Tsai Small Shard.

Youle Tsai tells you, "Yes, this is a fine example of a Small Shard, no cracks or damage at all."

Youle Tsai tells you, "We now only need one more thing. I warn you this may be tough, but you have proved your strength and resourcefulness so far."

Youle Tsai tells you, "We will need the heart of a powerful Wisp, one deeply attuned to the currents."

Youle Tsai tells you, "I believe I know of one which would be suitable, I think you should be up to the task."

Youle Tsai tells you, "You can find the Wisp at 56.6N, 25.1E, where it commands the pool it calls home, just remember to be careful, it may push your limits."


You give Youle Tsai Enchanted Wisp Heart.

Youle Tsai tells you, "Perfect! Look at the power radiating from this."

Youle Tsai tells you, "Now that you have brought me everything I have asked for, I just need you to give me that Drudge Charm I asked you to hold onto."


You give Youle Tsai Drudge Charm.

Youle Tsai tells you, "Now let me attune all of these magical foci to the charm..."

You've earned experience.

Youle Tsai gives you Enchanted Charm.

Youle Tsai tells you, "I did it! And with your fine efforts too, I believe you have more then earned this, let me know how it works out for you!"