Marae Lassel

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Welcome to the Town of Edelbar - Lifestone 43.2N, 25.9E

Adventure forth heading west slightly northwest out of Holtburg to a quaint small Town of Edelbar where travelers alike can enjoy various quests, kill tasks, and collectables. Fast travel from the Jungle Sub or there is also a portal gem available. You will be well rewarded for your service. You may find in the various dungeons - Black Marrow Reliquaries, Chorozite Chests, or maybe even something completely different with its own reward. All quests are on a 20 Hour repeat timer. Now go explore Quest Lovers!
Start NPC Outside Inside Start NPC
Miner Julus
Miner Julus Golem Kill Task
  • Tufa Metos and Golem Sanctum are some dungeon related options

Miner Julus tells you, "Return to me after you have killed 30 Granite Golems, 30 Copper golems, and 30 Iron Golems."

  • Reward - Lum, XP, MMD's