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You'll find new and old NPCs in the well established towns of Greenspire, Bluespire, Redspire, Timaru, and Ahurenga, but you'll also find new groups setup in the north at Bachus Flufens' Cottage just north of Redspire, Hallows Camp and Caravan Camp. You can find a portal to Hallows Camps in Timaru and to Caravan Camp in Bluespire.
You'll find new and old NPCs in the well established towns of Greenspire, Bluespire, Redspire, Timaru, and Ahurenga, but you'll also find new groups setup in the north at Bachus Flufens' Cottage just north of Redspire, Hallows Camp, and Caravan Camp. You can find a portal to Hallows Camps in Timaru and to Caravan Camp in Bluespire.


Revision as of 02:23, 2 June 2024


Marae Lassel Landscape Changing

A total overhaul of the island of Marae Lassel with the ability to level from 1 to 275! The addition of over 75 quests, multiple quest hub camps, and revamps of towns, addition and revamps of dungeons, and new life, creatures, and a graphical overhaul of the island makes it a fantastic place to visit and look around!


You'll find new and old NPCs in the well established towns of Greenspire, Bluespire, Redspire, Timaru, and Ahurenga, but you'll also find new groups setup in the north at Bachus Flufens' Cottage just north of Redspire, Hallows Camp, and Caravan Camp. You can find a portal to Hallows Camps in Timaru and to Caravan Camp in Bluespire.


Kill Tasks
Starting NPC Location Recommended Level Details Reward
Romeo Osemmi Greenspire 1 Kill 15 Ochosh Niffis Increasing Experience and a D note
Rico Cellini Greenspire 30 Kill 25 Littoral Siraluun Experience
Vettorio Bilcone Bluespire 30 Kill 40 Carenzi Burrower Increasing Experience
Al-Thani the Fisher Bluespire 1 Kill 30 Tidal Siraluun Increasing Experience and an MMD note
Niccolo Brasi Redspire 1 Kill 25 Mud Golems Increasing Experience and a D note
Susana du Loc Redspire 30 Kill 25 Hea Windreaves Experience
Spertat the Ursuin Bachus Flufens' 30 Kill 20 Marae Ursuin Experience
Hea Fuzalwe Ahurenga 80+ Kill 1 Adolescent Celadon Gromnie (level 180) Increasing Experience and a Carved Hea Figure
Hea Rogyiu Ahurenga 50 Kill 25 Mist Golems Increasing Experience and a D note
Aun Akhonga Timaru 50 Kill 50 Hea Nualuan Increasing Experience and an MMD note
Collection Quests
Starting NPC Location Recommended Level Details Reward
Channeh Bajo Greenspire 30 Collect 10 Gold Teeth from Highwayman Increasing Experience
Segundo Vale Bluespire 45 Collect 15 Strand Siraluun Livers Increasing Experience
Seki Nori Bluespire 10 Collect 15 Hea Drum Skins Increasing Experience and Sound Proof Helm
Otto Selino Bluespire 80 Collect 10 Iron Star Fragments Increasing Experience and Bracelet of Star Iron
Hea Thuliso the Cook Ahurenga 80 Collect 6 Eggs from Siraluun nests at 46.5N, 87.7W Increasing Experience and 5x Hea Fried Siraluun Eggs
Hea Nelashe Ahurenga 80 Collect 10 Marae Phyntos Honey Increasing Experience and Hive Keeper's Gloves
Starting NPC Location Recommended Level Details Reward
Tito Brickicci Greenspire 1 Tito Brickicci tells you, "Welcome to Greenspire traveler. I would give you the tour but we have bigger problems to deal with for now. Hea Scouts have been launching sporadic raids on our settlement as of late. While we have been lucky not loose any of the residentsm, yet, they have stolen countless supplies from us. If you are of the brave type, then I will make my plea to you for some help."

Tito bows before you, his desire to protect the town is clear to you.

Tito Brickicci tells you, "The last time we chased them from the town, they entered a portal at 45.1N, 67.2W. Please make your way there, and help us put an end to their terror."

Experience (4.16m capped)
Tamara du Cinghalle Greenspire ? Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "I have a task for you, if you are willing to aid us against the beast, T'thuun, who has been harrying the Deru Trees on Marae Lassel. The Tumeroks up on the Plateau have been in an uproar about this T'thuun since the first tentacles appeared. Our researchers believe, if we can get one of the eyes from the largest tentacle by the Trees, that we can use it to find a long-term solution to this problem. The challenge is, that unless the tentacles are weakened and the large tentacle is distracted, it's impossible to get an eye off of it. Killing the smaller tentacles seems to distract the larger one. Killing 50 should be enough to get an eye off of the larger, eye covered one. Bring me back an eye, and I'll reward you on behalf of my superiors and the Tumeroks on the Plateau." ?
Enrico di Bellenesse Greenspire 60+ Enrico di Bellenesse tells you, "I know not where your loyalties lie, but if you seek no more than coin, I have a task for you. There are three letters scattered about this isle that once belonged to me. I would have them in my possession once again, but I am unable to task any of my soldiers with this mission. I must instead turn to mercenaries such as yourself. The job is simple. Travel to the Lair of the Eviscerators, the Small Hive, and the Breached Hive. Within each of those dungeons will be a note. Find those notes and return them to me. But you must exercise discretion in this task. These letters are dear to me. Do not read them, do you understand? Simply pick them up and bring them back to me." ?
Tiadora Fiori Greenspire 100 Tiadora Fiori tells you, "What am I to do? An order for fresh Moonwort was placed, but I am all out. Can you help me? Please, explore around in the Tuatara Plains and bring me back three fresh Moonwort. They are very rare so you will have to search for them. Be careful when picking them as they tend to attract a lot of bees. But I'm sure you'll have no problem dealing with bees, right?" ?
Valentina du Lurio Greenspire 1 Valentina du Lurio tells you, "Good day, do you intend to stay in our small settlement for long? Or maybe you wish to travel to Redspire? If Redspire is your destination, then I may have a small request of you. You see, I have ordered a dress to be made by the tailor there, Tiberio, and I have been told that it is ready for collection. If you are traveling that direction, then may I ask you to take these Pyreals to Tiberio, collect my dress and return it to me?"

Valentina du Lurio gives you Valentina's Bag of Pyreals.

Experience (capped at 1,040,000) and Lady's Favor
Caprice du Bellenesse Greenspire ? Caprice du Bellenesse tells you, "Excuse me, I need your help! Myself and Valentina were out for a stroll only a yesterday, and I seem to have lost my wedding ring!. Please you have to help me find it, it can not of happened too far away, it must be somewhere outside of the town where we were walking!." ?
Sebastian Caldas Greenspire 30 Sebastian Caldas tells you, "Please, I need your help! I was doing my monthly patrol rounds, and was making sure there was no new threats in the Dark lair. But then, something spooked me, and I have no idea what it was! But it scared me enough to make me drop my sword and flee as fast as I could. And now I am left unarmed, I can not help the town with no weapon. If you can, please journey to the Dark Lair, and find my sword if you can."

Recommend also getting the Gardener Pincer while in the Dark Lair.

Increasing Experience
Hea Toneawa Greenspire 1 Hea Toneawa tells you, "Greetings! Could you do me a favor, please? I planned to meet my beloved, Aun Mariona, but I am afraid that my Hea brethren have learned of our romance and are watching over me. Could you take her this note? I dare not go meet her myself, lest they slay us together. You will find her in the redwood groves almost directly north from the city your kind calls Bluespire. I have written the directions to our meeting place on the note." Increasing Experience
Virindi Delegate Greenspire ? Virindi Delegate tells you, "Greetings. The Reaver of Dreams has sent me here to request the assistance of your kind. There has been a great rift in the portal energies flowing through the lands of Marae Lassel. The Tumeroks, who have long battled their "Wharu", are far too simple a creature to sense these rifts. Only one with great consciousness could be responsible for such violent modifications in this long-standing balance. We must determine the cause before it is too late. Gather a party of the mightiest warriors and find what has evoked such drastic changes on the Marescent Plateau. Begin your search to the east of the Tumerok capital. A single tone resonates strongly in my thoughts from this region and The Reaver of Dreams believes the source can be found there." ?