Virindi Delegate

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Virindi Delegate tells you, "Greetings. The Reaver of Dreams has sent me here to request the assistance of your kind. There has been a great rift in the portal energies flowing through the lands of Marae Lassel."

Virindi Delegate tells you, "The Tumeroks, who have long battled their "Wharu", are far too simple a creature to sense these rifts. Only one with great consciousness could be responsible for such violent modifications in this long-standing balance."

Virindi Delegate tells you, "We must determine the cause before it is too late."

Virindi Delegate tells you, "Gather a party of the mightiest warriors and find what has evoked such drastic changes on the Marescent Plateau. Begin your search to the east of the Tumerok capital. A single tone resonates strongly in my thoughts from this region and The Reaver of Dreams believes the source can be found there."