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Curatio tells you, "Greetings, friend, you have no need to fear my presence here, I am not like those others you will find here, we may even have an old friend in common."

Curatio tells you, "The Virindi that you find on this island were once part of their own Quiddity, with the Isparian known as Candeth Martine giving them direction."

Curatio tells you, "But as you know, many years ago, they lost their master Martine. Now, those that remain have gone rogue, they follow what was left of Martine's twisted Virindi mind before his humanity over powered it."

Curatio tells you, "If only they followed his human mind, we would all have a powerful new ally, instead we are left with a powerful new foe."

Curatio tells you, "Now, your help is needed, aid us all by slaying a combined 50 of the Martinate Preceptor, Profane and Inquisitor."