Aun Papileona

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Aun Papileona tells you, "Greetings, traveler. Raeta's migrations are such a beautiful mystery of nature. But where she goes, I must follow. I have moved my shrine to again be near her presence."

Aun Papileona tells you, "It is unfortunate that my misfortune seems to have followed me in turn. I have a grave favor to ask you. In his jealousy, the anima Carenzi has infested the beautiful shrine I built for Raeta with his own creatures. I tried to route them myself, but the horrid beasts nearly ripped me to pieces and ate the key to my chest! Until my shrine is cleansed of his defiling presence, Raeta will not return!"

Aun Papileona tells you, "I locked my amulet inside my chest--if you bring it to me as proof that you have driven Carenzi away, I will reward you with the title of Carenzi Slayer. Follow Volkama's riverbanks to the south, and you'll find my shrine."

Aun Papileona tells you, "Incidentally, I would be careful going past my old grotto if I were you--a motley group of Hea have moved in and made the place their own. They had an interesting-looking chest with them...but I was in too much of a hurry to follow Raeta on her migration to inquire further."