Yaraq Apple Picker Quest
Safina al-Jayyani at 21.7S 1.5W in Yaraq
Safina al-Jayyani tells you, "Greetings, I am Safina, or just Saffy for short. I am one of the local apple pickers, one of the best even."
Safina al-Jayyani tells you, "Lately though my job has been made harder by the local Drudge, they have taken up scrumping!"
Safina al-Jayyani tells you, "You look like you can handle yourself in a fight, maybe you can help me?"
Safina al-Jayyani tells you, "Please go out into the orchards around the town, there are several around here, and look for 15 Fresh Cove Apples, beware the Scrumping Drudge though!"
Safina al-Jayyani tells you, "Also, I only want the best, freshest apples, so pick them before night comes, or they will spoil!"
You hand over 15 of your Fresh Cove Apples.
Safina al-Jayyani tells you, "Ahh, these are perfect! I could make a expert picker out of you."
You've earned experience.
Safina al-Jayyani gives you one of the following: