Emporium Supply Delivery Quest

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Holcombe Cassyon at Tusker Emporium near Oolutanga's Refuge

Holcombe Cassyon tells you, "Welcome to the Tusker Emporium of Deadly Doom! You look well seasoned, maybe I can trouble you?"

Holcombe Cassyon tells you, "Ketnan needs me to go on a supply run, so he can stock up his store, while the Tuskers in here have a truce with us, they still scare me..."

Holcombe Cassyon tells you, "Maybe if I give you the order forms, you can run this erand for me? I will pay you, I promise."

Holcombe Cassyon tells you, "Take this letter to Captain Donk, he will give you some nanner fibres, we use them for the shirts."

Holcombe Cassyon tells you, "And give this letter to Mayor Koko for some bamboo rods, then bring all the supplies back to me."

Holcombe Cassyon gives you Holcombe's Letter to Captain Donk.

Holcombe Cassyon gives you Holcombe's Letter to Mayor Koko.