Swefred Achthorp

From Derptide
Revision as of 19:19, 8 June 2024 by Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Swefred Achthorp tells you, "Hail hunter, you want to help cull some mighty beasts?" Swefred Achthorp tells you, "The Kithless Siraluun around these areas are more destructive then you would believe, killing other creatures that enter their territory, and reshaping the landscape with their digging for food." Swefred Achthorp tells you, "If you want to help keep these under control, then venture out there and slay 25 Kithless Siraluun. Notch up this tally and I'll see y...")
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Swefred Achthorp tells you, "Hail hunter, you want to help cull some mighty beasts?"

Swefred Achthorp tells you, "The Kithless Siraluun around these areas are more destructive then you would believe, killing other creatures that enter their territory, and reshaping the landscape with their digging for food."

Swefred Achthorp tells you, "If you want to help keep these under control, then venture out there and slay 25 Kithless Siraluun. Notch up this tally and I'll see you get your worth."