Hea Ulne

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Revision as of 05:12, 4 June 2024 by Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hea Ulne tells you, "You! Want to be my buhdi?" Hea Ulne tells you, "If you want that, then go along the shores here, I want some Niffis shells, if you can get, bring them to me." Hea Ulne tells you, "Then if you do good job, we can be buhdi, and I will make my buhdi something too." Hea Ulne tells you, "Good idea? Then bring to me 20 Aquidah Niffis Shell, then we can be buhdi!" Category:NPCs Category:Quests")
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Hea Ulne tells you, "You! Want to be my buhdi?"

Hea Ulne tells you, "If you want that, then go along the shores here, I want some Niffis shells, if you can get, bring them to me."

Hea Ulne tells you, "Then if you do good job, we can be buhdi, and I will make my buhdi something too."

Hea Ulne tells you, "Good idea? Then bring to me 20 Aquidah Niffis Shell, then we can be buhdi!"