Hareleva Catvyn

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Revision as of 03:00, 2 June 2024 by Evios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "Hail traveler, may haps I can procure your aid?" Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "As of late, Bluespire has come under some what of a threat you see." Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "And of all things, from a Niffis. This is by no means your average Niffis, this is much larger and more aggresive then normal." Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "I have set up a trap for the fiend, but so far it has managed to allude me." Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "If you w...")
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Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "Hail traveler, may haps I can procure your aid?"

Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "As of late, Bluespire has come under some what of a threat you see."

Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "And of all things, from a Niffis. This is by no means your average Niffis, this is much larger and more aggresive then normal."

Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "I have set up a trap for the fiend, but so far it has managed to allude me."

Hareleva Catvyn tells you, "If you wish to try your luck, take this Sack of Fish and place it at 39.4N, 74.6W, just outside of town. If you manage to lure it out, slay it and return with proof."