Mosswart Town Raid Quest

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Guard Hrothgar in Kryst

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "Fine day friend."

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "If you are looking for work, then I have a task for you."

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "The local Mosswarts of the Mosswart Town at 78.2S, 86.7E have been attempting raids as of late on us. And though we generally scare them off, they sometimes make off with some of our goods."

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "There is one sneaky one among them, he has earned quite the reputation, a shaman, named Soglesh."

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "During their last raid, Soglesh and some of his minions made off with a chest from the grocer, along with the key for it."

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "Maybe you can venture to Mosswart Town, get the key, and return that chests contents to me, I will see you rewarded for your efforts."


You give Guard Hrothgar Suppply Crate.

Guard Hrothgar tells you, "You have my thanks, I will make sure Kamira Mohonoko puts these in a safer place."

You've earned experience.

Guard Hrothgar gives you Dead Seawood Wand.