Wine Connoisseur Quest

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Powell Hadresham at Old Arwic

Powell Hadresham tells you, "You look like the type who enjoys a tipple!"

Powell Hadresham tells you, "I too am I drinker of only the finest, maybe we can come to some kind of agreement, putting my knowledge and that weapon you are holding to use."

Powell Hadresham tells you, "There is an old storehouse, not far from here, dating back to before the Shadow Spire attack on the town. It came to my attention lately that there was wine kept in there."

Powell Hadresham tells you, "I am talking good wine, from Ispar of all places. I must get my hands on some for my collection, however Mites have moved in."

Powell Hadresham tells you, "Go to the Ruined Storehouse at 33.0N, 54.9E, not far from here, and bring me back 5 bottles of Aged Wine!"


Powell Hadresham tells you, "Amazing! I can not wait to host tasting events for this!"

You've earned 26,051,500 experience.

Powell Hadresham gives you Volkmar's Sting.