Bounty of Commander Thostrotir Quest

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Lugian Hauberk.png

Lunmaed Rockbrow in Linvak Tukal

Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "I normally only give my bounties to strong Lugian warriors, but you believe you are strong enough too?"

Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "Well I shall give you a bounty to as test of your mettle, let us see if you can match up to Lugian might!"

Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "This bounty is for Commander Thostrotir, one of the Renegade commanders, a higher up of the Gotrok clan."

Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "I believe he can be found within the Renegade Stronghold, found at 17.0S, 5.9E. Fight your way through and slay him, and return with proof, you will be rewarded"


You give Lunmaed Rockbrow Thostrotir's Ring of Office.

Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "Your smaller frame has proven mighty, I was wrong to judge you so harshly."

Lunmaed Rockbrow tells you, "I hope we can one day fight side by side and share in our might!"

You've earned experience.

Lunmaed Rockbrow gives you Lugian Hauberk.