Patches - Season 2 Ironman: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "This page will be updated throughout the month. Ironman Season 2 is here! Season of the Iron Khe! = Game Changes = * TOTAL revamp of Marae Lassel, adding more content then I have time to list! * All Marae Lassel spawns have been adjusted, added to, and increased! * Marae Lassel is also much more verdant now with lots of added plants and scenery! * All Marae Lassel Portals are now recallable and tieable! = New Quests = = Updated Quests = * All current Marae Lassel que...")
No edit summary
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* Marae Lassel is also much more verdant now with lots of added plants and scenery!
* Marae Lassel is also much more verdant now with lots of added plants and scenery!
* All Marae Lassel Portals are now recallable and tieable!
* All Marae Lassel Portals are now recallable and tieable!
* Fishing has received a localised Marae Lessel rework!
** Fishing is now a possible route to reward experience!
* Sturdy Iron Chests now spawn on Marae Lessel! Get your rings and walls!
* All Virindi on Marae Lessel have been replaced to better fit the lore!
* The Martinate Quiddity rules over Marae Lessel, not the Singularity!
* The north eastern side of Marae Lessel has been consumed by mystical forest!

= New Quests =
= New Quests =
* Aun Medic - Aun Hagnassu has fallen ill and requires your help in making a new medicine, gather herbs, find a herbalist, and save Aun Hagnassu before it is too late!
* Aun Stockpile – The Aun of Timaru know the seasons will soon change for the worse, and want to refill their stockpiles to last over the colder months!
* Big Game Gromnie Hunter - Hea Fuzalwe will send you to search for a big game hunting Gromnie which roams the Ahurenga Plains!
* Blessed Totems – Will you help Aun Velakhane undercover stolen amber from the Deru trees and unlock the true power of the Totems?
* Bridge Bandits - Salvito di Marden needs help dealing with some bandits holding the bridge between Bluespire and Redspire, will you slaughter them all, or make a deal for peace?
* Caprice's Lost Wedding Ring - Caprice du Bellenesse has lost her wedding ring! It was last seen being taken down a Carenzi burrow, are you brave enough to plunge your hands in and look for the ring at risk of being biten?
* Kageteru's Olthoi Index - Nomura Hiina's friend Kageteru was last seen cataloging the Olthoi found in Olthoi Arcade South, but never reported back to camp, dive deep into the arcade and find him!
* Dalibor Beran's Deliveries - Dalibor Beran has had his attention taken away from delivery duty to help protect the merchants of a stranded caravan, it is up to you to deliver his goods to the merchants of Greenspire and Bluespire!
* Caravan Raid- Kenia Sarhorn is the head of the guards at the stranded caravan and is looking for help to take the fight to the Hea raiders!
* Carenzi Burrower Kill Task - Vettorio Bilcone at Bluespire is in a panic that burrowing Carenzi might make the town foundation unstable! Get out there and slay them!
* Chirurgeon's Chest - Andrea Dilazo has had his chest of medical supplies stolen during a Hea attack, fight through their stronghold and recover the supplies so aid can be given to those injured during the attack!
* Copper Gromnie Kill Task - Fernando Vaz is having trouble keeping these small Gromnies numbers in check, offer some add and reap the rewards!
* Corals of Marae - Merwart Ruarok has been sent by the Angry Grampa to gather some of the corals found around the Marae shoreline, but is too scared to approach the moving coral, offer your aid to the slimy friend!
* Corrupted Halls - Aun Khunanda has a task for the most brave adventurers, the Corrupted Halls are found deep within the Hallows, with it's influence severely affecting the Hea who have made it their new home, fight through the corruption to put an end to their leader, and the deeper seated evil within!
* Dress Delivery - Valentina du Lurio has receive word that her new dress has been made and is ready for collection, but can not leave her gossip circle to collect it, be a good boy/girl and go fetch it for her!
* Fallen Star - Otto Selino watched as a star fell from the sky, and can not help his curiosity in wanting to keep it for himself!
* Feral Carenzi Kill Task - Aun Tariua has grown tired of the Feral Carenzi stealing the kills of the Aun hunters, help cull their number so the Aun can claim some meat!
* Hallows Kill Tasks – The Hallows come with a number of Kill Tasks, as well as the dungeon quests!
** Hallows Hea Kill Task - Aun Avakhane wishes to enlist your help in slaying the Hea that roam the Hallows!
** Martinate Quidiox Kill Task – Phaendar will task you with sending the Martinate Quidiox found in the Hallows back to Portal Space!
** Hallows Olthoi Kill Task - Lensa Ravlynn requests that you help slay some of the Olthoi that are found in the Hallows!
* Razortooth Carenzi Kill Task - Fredu Roull asks of you to cull the Razortooth Carenzi of the Hallows!
* Corrupted Totems - Aun Thotongo seeks to collect the Corrupted Totems dropped by many Hallows creatures for purification!
* Hea Nualuan Kill Task - Aun Akhonga wants to stop the siege of Hea Nualuans constantly patrolling around Timaru, put them to the sword!
* Hea Scout Outpost - Tito Brickicci was able to find where a group of raiding Hea Scouts have been launching their attacks from, delve into the dungeon and slay their master!
* Hea Shell Collection - Hea Ulne wishes to collect more Aquidah Niffis shells for her collection, she doesn't care for the war, just collecting!
* Hea Stockpile -  The Hea of Ahurenga know the seasons will soon change for the worse, and want to refill their stockpiles to last over the colder months!
* Honey Collector - Hea Nelashe needs help gathering honey from the local Marae Phyntos Hives for medicines and foods, grab what you can and run!
* Infested Tunnels - Cadelyn Aurena has learned of an ancient Empyrean alchemy tome, however it seems to be locked away in an ancient chest, in an ancient Empyrean facility, which is now filled with Olthoi!
* Kithless Siraluun - Swefred Achthorp has grown wary of the Kithless Siraluun expanding their territory and killing other creatures thats dare to enter, help push them back to their own areas!
* Marae Ursuin Kill Task - Spertat the Ursuin Hunter has arrived at Marae Lassel, to hunt Ursuin!
* Marinate Kill Task – Curatio has seen that many of the Martinate Virindi are destructive and lost without Martine to lead them, and believes it is best push them back into portal space!
* Martinate Assembly – Mathae asks you with heavy heart to journey deep into the Hallows and search the Martinate Assembly in search of the would be leader attempting to direct the Martinate Virindi in Martines place!
* Martinate Hold – Laesis wants you to find an old stone, said to house some of Martine's memories, in order to help understand the Martinate Quiddity, but doing so will have you prove your worth to two separate factions within!
* Mist Golem Kill Task - Hea Rogyiu has developed a fear of the mist itself thanks to the Mist Golems found around Ahurenga, help remove that fear!
* Moonwort - Tiadora Fiori wishes to study the rare Moonwart plants in detail and shall ask you to gather some for her, but watch out for angry bees!
* Mud Golem Kill Task - Niccolo Brasi has grown tired of having to repolish his armour after every battle and will task you with cleaning up the spawns!
* Nesluysten Stones- Marceli Drabik wants to experiment in new building materials and wants a hual of Nesluysten Stone for testing!
* Ochosh Niffis Kill Task - Romeo Osemmi wants to see how skilled of a new adventurer you really are!
* Olthoi Arcade - Aun Zanduti will offer you a series of Kill Tasks as you travel the first layer of the Olthoi Arcade!

= Updated Quests =
= Updated Quests =
Line 23: Line 69:
* Olthoi Queen Quest has increased experience and better quality rewards for all, not just killer!
* Olthoi Queen Quest has increased experience and better quality rewards for all, not just killer!
* Olthoi Pincer Quests experience has been increased!
* Olthoi Pincer Quests experience has been increased!
* Tessera now reward 2 skill points on hand in!

= New NPCs =
= New NPCs =
* Bluespire now has a healer vendor!
* Bluespire now has a healer vendor!
* Redspire now has a healer vendor!
* Redspire now has a healer vendor!
* Aun Khusabo has made his home at Timaru and will reward experience for unwanted Tessera!
* Burt the Crafter has made his home in Bluespire, and is willing to teach visitors new crafting recipes!
* Talk to the Aun Tackle Master near Timaru to buy your Fishing License!
* Aun Jongoda will accept Hea Totems and will give Totems of Exchange in return!
* Aun Olwabo will take Totems of Exchange and offer many Ironman only wares!

= Updated NPCs =
= Updated NPCs =
* Aun Bernawa is now visible on the radar!
* Aun Bernawa is now visible on the radar!
* All Marae Lassel Collectors now accept all items!
** Many new items also added to the Collectors!
** The Collectors rates can be competitive!

= New Locations =
= New Locations =
* Hive Queen Assault has been added and upgraded!
* Hive Queen Assault has been added and upgraded!
* The Hallows is a new tier 7/fresh tier 8 area offering a new challenge with new creatures, new quests and new dungeons!
* Olthoi Arcade Central is now Tier 4-5!
* Olthoi Arcade South is now Tier 6-7!

= Updated Locations =
= Updated Locations =
Line 44: Line 102:
* Greenspire now has Portals to Bluespire and Redspire!
* Greenspire now has Portals to Bluespire and Redspire!
* Timaru now has a Portal to Redspire!
* Timaru now has a Portal to Redspire!
* Olthoi Hive Warrior dungeon is now Tier 8
* Olthoi Hive Eviscerator dungeon is now Tier 8
* Olthoi Arcade base remains Tier 1-3!

= New Items =
= New Items =
* Dirty Fighting Tessera has been added!
* Heavy Weapons Tessera has been added!
* Sneak Attack Tessera has been added!
* Summoning Tessera has been added!
* Two Handed Weapons Tessera has been added!
* Poor Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self I)
* Well Crafted Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self II)
* Finely Crafted Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self III)
* Exquisite Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self IV)
* Magnificent Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self V)
* Nearly Flawless Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self VI)
* Poor Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock I)
* Well Crafted Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock II)
* Finely Crafted Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock III)
* Exquisite Mana Weakening has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock IV)
* Magnificent Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock V)
* Nearly Flawless Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock VI)
* Gem of Heart Seeking has been added! (Casts Heart Seeker III)
* Enriched Gem of Heart Seeking has been added! (Casts Heart Seeker V)
* Concentrated Gem of Heart Seeking has been added! (Casts Heart Seeker VII)
* Stamina to Mana Potion has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self II)
* Hearty Stamina to Mana Potion has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self V)
* Fishing Rod recipe has been added!
* Stamina Incanta has been added!
* Mana Incanta has been added!
* Refining Polish (Combined) has been added!
* Weakening Polish has been added!
* Thread has been added!
* Carved Wooden Pole has been added!
* Rusted Kite Shield has been added!
* Rusted Battle Axe has been added!
* Throwing Gunk has been added!
* Water Orb has been added!
* Pack Mud Golem has been added!
* Decorative Niffis Shell has been added!
* Crystalised Water has been added!
* Gold Dust has been added!
* Old Empyrean Coins has been added!
* Totem Purging Tool has been added!
* Talisman of the Volcano has been added!
* Talisman of the Blizzard has been added!
* Talisman of the Fulguration has been added!
* Talisman of the Acid Rain has been added!
* Talisman of Elemental Harmony has been added!
* Minor Blessing of the Khe has been added!
* Lesser Blessing of the Khe has been added!
* Moderate Blessing of the Khe has been added!
* Major Blessing of the Khe has been added!
* Glowing Blessing of the Khe has been added!
* Bright Blessing of the Khe has been added!
* Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt III has been added!
* Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt IV has been added!
* Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt V has been added!
* Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt VI has been added!
* Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt VII has been added!
* Martinate Key has been added!
* Martinate Cache has been added!
* Martinate Keyring has been added!
= Updated Items =
= Updated Items =
= New Weapons =
= New Weapons =
= Updated Weapons =
= Updated Weapons =
= New Armor =
= New Armor =
= Updated Armor =
= Updated Armor =
* Siraluun Dresses and Headdresses have been reworked!
* Badlands Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Kithless Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Littoral Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Marsh Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Strand Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Tidal Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Timber Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Untamed Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
* Badlands Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Kithless Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Littoral Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Marsh Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Strand Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Tidal Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Timber Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Untamed Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
* Marsh Siraluun Waaika has been reworked!
* Tessera have been reworked!
= New Creatures =
= New Creatures =
* Many new rare Creature Lords have been added to Marae Lassel!
= Updated Creatures =
= Updated Creatures =
* All Hea Tumerok on Marae Lessel can now drop Totems, and with increased rate, you will be needing these!
* Martinate Virindi use unique animations!
* Martinate Directive Key now drops from Martinate Virindi! Carve these!
= New Titles =
= New Titles =
= New Dialog =
= New Dialog =

Revision as of 03:41, 11 May 2024

This page will be updated throughout the month.

Ironman Season 2 is here! Season of the Iron Khe!

Game Changes

  • TOTAL revamp of Marae Lassel, adding more content then I have time to list!
  • All Marae Lassel spawns have been adjusted, added to, and increased!
  • Marae Lassel is also much more verdant now with lots of added plants and scenery!
  • All Marae Lassel Portals are now recallable and tieable!
  • Fishing has received a localised Marae Lessel rework!
    • Fishing is now a possible route to reward experience!
  • Sturdy Iron Chests now spawn on Marae Lessel! Get your rings and walls!
  • All Virindi on Marae Lessel have been replaced to better fit the lore!
  • The Martinate Quiddity rules over Marae Lessel, not the Singularity!
  • The north eastern side of Marae Lessel has been consumed by mystical forest!

New Quests

  • Aun Medic - Aun Hagnassu has fallen ill and requires your help in making a new medicine, gather herbs, find a herbalist, and save Aun Hagnassu before it is too late!
  • Aun Stockpile – The Aun of Timaru know the seasons will soon change for the worse, and want to refill their stockpiles to last over the colder months!
  • Big Game Gromnie Hunter - Hea Fuzalwe will send you to search for a big game hunting Gromnie which roams the Ahurenga Plains!
  • Blessed Totems – Will you help Aun Velakhane undercover stolen amber from the Deru trees and unlock the true power of the Totems?
  • Bridge Bandits - Salvito di Marden needs help dealing with some bandits holding the bridge between Bluespire and Redspire, will you slaughter them all, or make a deal for peace?
  • Caprice's Lost Wedding Ring - Caprice du Bellenesse has lost her wedding ring! It was last seen being taken down a Carenzi burrow, are you brave enough to plunge your hands in and look for the ring at risk of being biten?
  • Kageteru's Olthoi Index - Nomura Hiina's friend Kageteru was last seen cataloging the Olthoi found in Olthoi Arcade South, but never reported back to camp, dive deep into the arcade and find him!
  • Dalibor Beran's Deliveries - Dalibor Beran has had his attention taken away from delivery duty to help protect the merchants of a stranded caravan, it is up to you to deliver his goods to the merchants of Greenspire and Bluespire!
  • Caravan Raid- Kenia Sarhorn is the head of the guards at the stranded caravan and is looking for help to take the fight to the Hea raiders!
  • Carenzi Burrower Kill Task - Vettorio Bilcone at Bluespire is in a panic that burrowing Carenzi might make the town foundation unstable! Get out there and slay them!
  • Chirurgeon's Chest - Andrea Dilazo has had his chest of medical supplies stolen during a Hea attack, fight through their stronghold and recover the supplies so aid can be given to those injured during the attack!
  • Copper Gromnie Kill Task - Fernando Vaz is having trouble keeping these small Gromnies numbers in check, offer some add and reap the rewards!
  • Corals of Marae - Merwart Ruarok has been sent by the Angry Grampa to gather some of the corals found around the Marae shoreline, but is too scared to approach the moving coral, offer your aid to the slimy friend!
  • Corrupted Halls - Aun Khunanda has a task for the most brave adventurers, the Corrupted Halls are found deep within the Hallows, with it's influence severely affecting the Hea who have made it their new home, fight through the corruption to put an end to their leader, and the deeper seated evil within!
  • Dress Delivery - Valentina du Lurio has receive word that her new dress has been made and is ready for collection, but can not leave her gossip circle to collect it, be a good boy/girl and go fetch it for her!
  • Fallen Star - Otto Selino watched as a star fell from the sky, and can not help his curiosity in wanting to keep it for himself!
  • Feral Carenzi Kill Task - Aun Tariua has grown tired of the Feral Carenzi stealing the kills of the Aun hunters, help cull their number so the Aun can claim some meat!
  • Hallows Kill Tasks – The Hallows come with a number of Kill Tasks, as well as the dungeon quests!
    • Hallows Hea Kill Task - Aun Avakhane wishes to enlist your help in slaying the Hea that roam the Hallows!
    • Martinate Quidiox Kill Task – Phaendar will task you with sending the Martinate Quidiox found in the Hallows back to Portal Space!
    • Hallows Olthoi Kill Task - Lensa Ravlynn requests that you help slay some of the Olthoi that are found in the Hallows!
  • Razortooth Carenzi Kill Task - Fredu Roull asks of you to cull the Razortooth Carenzi of the Hallows!
  • Corrupted Totems - Aun Thotongo seeks to collect the Corrupted Totems dropped by many Hallows creatures for purification!
  • Hea Nualuan Kill Task - Aun Akhonga wants to stop the siege of Hea Nualuans constantly patrolling around Timaru, put them to the sword!
  • Hea Scout Outpost - Tito Brickicci was able to find where a group of raiding Hea Scouts have been launching their attacks from, delve into the dungeon and slay their master!
  • Hea Shell Collection - Hea Ulne wishes to collect more Aquidah Niffis shells for her collection, she doesn't care for the war, just collecting!
  • Hea Stockpile - The Hea of Ahurenga know the seasons will soon change for the worse, and want to refill their stockpiles to last over the colder months!
  • Honey Collector - Hea Nelashe needs help gathering honey from the local Marae Phyntos Hives for medicines and foods, grab what you can and run!
  • Infested Tunnels - Cadelyn Aurena has learned of an ancient Empyrean alchemy tome, however it seems to be locked away in an ancient chest, in an ancient Empyrean facility, which is now filled with Olthoi!
  • Kithless Siraluun - Swefred Achthorp has grown wary of the Kithless Siraluun expanding their territory and killing other creatures thats dare to enter, help push them back to their own areas!
  • Marae Ursuin Kill Task - Spertat the Ursuin Hunter has arrived at Marae Lassel, to hunt Ursuin!
  • Marinate Kill Task – Curatio has seen that many of the Martinate Virindi are destructive and lost without Martine to lead them, and believes it is best push them back into portal space!
  • Martinate Assembly – Mathae asks you with heavy heart to journey deep into the Hallows and search the Martinate Assembly in search of the would be leader attempting to direct the Martinate Virindi in Martines place!
  • Martinate Hold – Laesis wants you to find an old stone, said to house some of Martine's memories, in order to help understand the Martinate Quiddity, but doing so will have you prove your worth to two separate factions within!
  • Mist Golem Kill Task - Hea Rogyiu has developed a fear of the mist itself thanks to the Mist Golems found around Ahurenga, help remove that fear!
  • Moonwort - Tiadora Fiori wishes to study the rare Moonwart plants in detail and shall ask you to gather some for her, but watch out for angry bees!
  • Mud Golem Kill Task - Niccolo Brasi has grown tired of having to repolish his armour after every battle and will task you with cleaning up the spawns!
  • Nesluysten Stones- Marceli Drabik wants to experiment in new building materials and wants a hual of Nesluysten Stone for testing!
  • Ochosh Niffis Kill Task - Romeo Osemmi wants to see how skilled of a new adventurer you really are!
  • Olthoi Arcade - Aun Zanduti will offer you a series of Kill Tasks as you travel the first layer of the Olthoi Arcade!

Updated Quests

  • All current Marae Lassel quests have been adjusted in some manner!
  • Aun Hea Romance experience has been increased!
  • Aun Tanua's War Taiaha experience has been increased!
  • Caliginous Bethel experience has been increased!
  • Enrico's Betrayal experience has been increased!
  • Hea Bone and Hide Shirt experience has been increased!
  • Raeta's Necklace experience has been increaced!
  • Carenzi Plague experience has been increased for all versions!
  • Virindi Scalpel Quest now has additional tasks which reward experience!
  • Olthoi Queen Quest has increased experience and better quality rewards for all, not just killer!
  • Olthoi Pincer Quests experience has been increased!
  • Tessera now reward 2 skill points on hand in!

New NPCs

  • Bluespire now has a healer vendor!
  • Redspire now has a healer vendor!
  • Aun Khusabo has made his home at Timaru and will reward experience for unwanted Tessera!
  • Burt the Crafter has made his home in Bluespire, and is willing to teach visitors new crafting recipes!
  • Talk to the Aun Tackle Master near Timaru to buy your Fishing License!
  • Aun Jongoda will accept Hea Totems and will give Totems of Exchange in return!
  • Aun Olwabo will take Totems of Exchange and offer many Ironman only wares!

Updated NPCs

  • Aun Bernawa is now visible on the radar!
  • All Marae Lassel Collectors now accept all items!
    • Many new items also added to the Collectors!
    • The Collectors rates can be competitive!

New Locations

  • Hive Queen Assault has been added and upgraded!
  • The Hallows is a new tier 7/fresh tier 8 area offering a new challenge with new creatures, new quests and new dungeons!
  • Olthoi Arcade Central is now Tier 4-5!
  • Olthoi Arcade South is now Tier 6-7!

Updated Locations

  • Bluespire now has a Lifestone and Bind Stone!
  • Redspire now has a Lifestone and Bind Stone!
  • Greenspire now has a Lifestone and Bind Stone!
  • Timaru now has a Lifestone and Bind Stone!
  • Ahurenga now has a Lifestone and Bind Stone!
  • Bluespire now has Portals to Redspire and Greenspire!
  • Redspire now has Portals to Greenspire and Bluespire!
  • Greenspire now has Portals to Bluespire and Redspire!
  • Timaru now has a Portal to Redspire!
  • Olthoi Hive Warrior dungeon is now Tier 8
  • Olthoi Hive Eviscerator dungeon is now Tier 8
  • Olthoi Arcade base remains Tier 1-3!

New Items

  • Dirty Fighting Tessera has been added!
  • Heavy Weapons Tessera has been added!
  • Sneak Attack Tessera has been added!
  • Summoning Tessera has been added!
  • Two Handed Weapons Tessera has been added!
  • Poor Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self I)
  • Well Crafted Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self II)
  • Finely Crafted Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self III)
  • Exquisite Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self IV)
  • Magnificent Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self V)
  • Nearly Flawless Mana Lense has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self VI)
  • Poor Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock I)
  • Well Crafted Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock II)
  • Finely Crafted Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock III)
  • Exquisite Mana Weakening has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock IV)
  • Magnificent Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock V)
  • Nearly Flawless Weakening Lense has been added! (Casts Weaken Lock VI)
  • Gem of Heart Seeking has been added! (Casts Heart Seeker III)
  • Enriched Gem of Heart Seeking has been added! (Casts Heart Seeker V)
  • Concentrated Gem of Heart Seeking has been added! (Casts Heart Seeker VII)
  • Stamina to Mana Potion has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self II)
  • Hearty Stamina to Mana Potion has been added! (Casts Stamina to Mana Self V)
  • Fishing Rod recipe has been added!
  • Stamina Incanta has been added!
  • Mana Incanta has been added!
  • Refining Polish (Combined) has been added!
  • Weakening Polish has been added!
  • Thread has been added!
  • Carved Wooden Pole has been added!
  • Rusted Kite Shield has been added!
  • Rusted Battle Axe has been added!
  • Throwing Gunk has been added!
  • Water Orb has been added!
  • Pack Mud Golem has been added!
  • Decorative Niffis Shell has been added!
  • Crystalised Water has been added!
  • Gold Dust has been added!
  • Old Empyrean Coins has been added!
  • Totem Purging Tool has been added!
  • Talisman of the Volcano has been added!
  • Talisman of the Blizzard has been added!
  • Talisman of the Fulguration has been added!
  • Talisman of the Acid Rain has been added!
  • Talisman of Elemental Harmony has been added!
  • Minor Blessing of the Khe has been added!
  • Lesser Blessing of the Khe has been added!
  • Moderate Blessing of the Khe has been added!
  • Major Blessing of the Khe has been added!
  • Glowing Blessing of the Khe has been added!
  • Bright Blessing of the Khe has been added!
  • Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt III has been added!
  • Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt IV has been added!
  • Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt V has been added!
  • Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt VI has been added!
  • Iron Scroll of Bloodstone Bolt VII has been added!
  • Martinate Key has been added!
  • Martinate Cache has been added!
  • Martinate Keyring has been added!

Updated Items

New Weapons

Updated Weapons

New Armor

Updated Armor

  • Siraluun Dresses and Headdresses have been reworked!
  • Badlands Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Kithless Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Littoral Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Marsh Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Strand Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Tidal Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Timber Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Untamed Siraluun Dress has been reworked!
  • Badlands Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Kithless Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Littoral Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Marsh Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Strand Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Tidal Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Timber Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Untamed Siraluun Headdress has been reworked!
  • Marsh Siraluun Waaika has been reworked!
  • Tessera have been reworked!

New Creatures

  • Many new rare Creature Lords have been added to Marae Lassel!

Updated Creatures

  • All Hea Tumerok on Marae Lessel can now drop Totems, and with increased rate, you will be needing these!
  • Martinate Virindi use unique animations!
  • Martinate Directive Key now drops from Martinate Virindi! Carve these!

New Titles

New Dialog
