Tamara du Cinghalle

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Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "Greetings."

Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "I have a task for you, if you are willing to aid us against the beast, T'thuun, who has been harrying the Deru Trees on Marae Lassel. The Tumeroks up on the Plateau have been in an uproar about this T'thuun since the first tentacles appeared."

Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "Our researchers believe, if we can get one of the eyes from the largest tentacle by the Trees, that we can use it to find a long-term solution to this problem."

Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "The challenge is, that unless the tentacles are weakened and the large tentacle is distracted, it's impossible to get an eye off of it."

Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "Killing the smaller tentacles seems to distract the larger one. Killing 50 should be enough to get an eye off of the larger, eye covered one."

Tamara du Cinghalle tells you, "Bring me back an eye, and I'll reward you on behalf of my superiors and the Tumeroks on the Plateau."