Salvito di Marden

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Salvito di Marden tells you, "You there? Are you looking for work? You seem big a strong enough to handle this."

Salvito di Marden tells you, "There is a bridge not too far from here, it links us to Redspire you see, but as of late we have quite the bandit problem."

Salvito di Marden tells you, "Many travels and merchants have been their pray, my men have tried their best, but it seems the bandits will only come out under cover of night."

Salvito crosses his arms and mutters various curse words about his men being useless.

Salvito di Marden tells you, "That is where you now come in kid. Wait until night falls and make your way to bridge. When you get their, lure out their leader, and bring him back dead or alive, I would prefer dead."

Salvito di Marden tells you, "Now get out of my sight and don't return until you bring me his head!!"