Nomura Hiina

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Nomura Hiina tells you, "Welcome friend, a moment of your time if I may?."

Nomura Hiina tells you, "A friend of mine, Kageteru, has an incredible interest in the Olthoi of this island and how they differ to those on the main land. However he has a habit of getting in over his head, expecting these Olthoi to be simple a foe as others..."

Nomura Hiina tells you, "The last I had heard of him was several days ago, telling me of his tales in the Olthoi Arcade, and how he planned to delve into the deepest tunnels of the Olthoi Arcade South."

Nomura Hiina tells you, "By chance if your travels take you in that direction, can you visit the tunnels, and see if you can find my friend Kageteru? You can get there by either traversing the Olthoi Arcade near Greenspire, or the more direct portal at 45.0N, 84.2W."