Lucio Murrio

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Lucio Murrio tells you, "Hail traveler! Are you one of these Adventurers for hire that often pass through our town?"

Lucio Murrio tells you, "If so then I have some coin for your time. You see, it is my duty to track the movements of the Hea raiders that plague the lands around here."

Lucio Murrio tells you, "As of late I have noticed a large influx of activity around the Tumerok Cavern, down by the shore. If you have the time and the need of coin, then I'll hire you to check it out."

Lucio Murrio tells you, "You can find the Tumerok Cavern at 40.2N, 84.7W. Have a look around, see what you can find, and return with any evidence of what they could be up to."