Lord Balthall

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Lord Balthall tells you, "Greetings traveler, do you have time to hear my tale of love long lost?"

Lord Balthall tells you, "You see, being a lord I am very well off, and I used my riches to purchase some land to woo my love at the time, Winthura."

Lord Balthall tells you, "Together we made a beautiful, subterranean home, though that was many years ago, long before the dangers of this island became evident.."

Then they found us... The Hea and their Virindi allies. I managed to escape, barely, while Winthura... She was not so lucky.

Lord Balthall tells you, "Though it was years ago, I have nothing to remind myself of her, please if you can see it in your heart, travel to 52.9N, 86.4W. And find what you can to keep her memory alive."