Dalibor Beran

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Dalibor Beran tells you, "Hail there traveler! May I have a moment of your time?"

Dalibor Beran tells you, "While traveling with our caravan, I was tasked with delivering some samples to certain people in Respire and Bluespire. But as you can see thanks to the Hea, I do not know when I will be able to do this."

Dalibor Beran tells you, "If you are traveling to those towns, maybe you can help me? The Bag of Botany Samples is for Maryla the Herbalist in Redspire, and the Unknown Metal Sample is for Otto Selino in Bluespire."

Dalibor Beran gives you Bag of Bontany Samples.

Dalibor Beran gives you Unknown Metal Sample.