Cadelyn Aurena

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Cadelyn Aurena tells you, "Hail traveler, may haps I can procure your aid?"

Cadelyn Aurena tells you, "As you can see, I was traveling as part of the caravan, though the planned settlement was not part of my goals."

Cadelyn Aurena tells you, "I was traveling with them in hopes of finding the Diary of Lord Alysdair, a famed alchemist of ancient Empyrean origin. The last known location of which is logged as being within a dungeon in these northern plains."

Cadelyn Aurena tells you, "Through my research I believe I have pin pointed the location, but as you can see, I am not equiped for combat, I am just an alchemist, that is what I was hoping to tag some of these guards along for."

Cadelyn Aurena tells you, "The current situation does not quite allow them to aid me right now however, but maybe you can? 53.2N, 80.5W, that is the location I believe the diary to be, please find it and bring it to me, I will make sure you are well paid."