Edginn Ironwood

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Related Quests: Guruk Cakru Kill Task

Edginn Ironwood
Non-Player Killer
Edginn Ironwood 180x259.jpg
Race Sho
Title Burun Hunter
Location 59.8N 4.2W (Inside) in Mountain Retreat


Route: Use a Portal Gem (Mountain Retreat).

Route: Use the Mountain Retreat portal in Jungle Subway.


Edginn Ironwood tells you, "Hail hunter, you seek to test your strength against the best the Cakru have?"

Edginn Ironwood tells you, "The Guruk are 800 pounds of pure muscle, they are the real game out here."

Edginn Ironwood tells you, "If you want to prove your brawn, then get out there and kill 100 Guruk Cakru. Notch up this tally and I'll see you get your worth."